Friday, January 20, 2012

Television and Internet

Many of us from the software industry actually left their TVs in the corner of some dusty room or actually dumped it because the "variety" of content offered was simply overwhelmingly ...stupid. And we are happy with Internet that offers so much immediate info and depth in insight at a fingertip, that gives us the opportunity to build that global village we all have been striving for. And suddenly the so-called TV industry reaches out and wants to swallow us and our freedom, commercialize it without mercy and regret; even wants to force their "standards" of unilateral monkeyness onto our internet. How do we resist, keep the rule of law and the reign of creativity, offer that multitude of options for finding out more on the interrelational character of knowledge? Well at first we have to stop regulating. Liberty dies when to much redtape tries to fence it in their zoo. Protecting legitimate rights is an important and positive issue that we as small producers of software will fight for but everybody`s rights - big or small individual and company. SOPA, PIPA etc. are no solution to the problem. Let us all find a free economy solution to it, where crime is dried out, where the Internet will not become a second TV.

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